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THIS GAME IS SO GOOD AGGHHH........ N THEN THE DRINKINGSCENE URRGHH i love trhis i love rthe art the writing everything khywae URE AMAZXING FOR FEEDING US BOOTHILL FANS!!!!

Thank youuu!! The drinking scene is one of my favorites too! The emotion, the vulnerability aaaa It was my pleasure to make this game! I'm a Boothill fan as well, so I'm also feeding myself 😎 nice.


i have never clicked on somthing so fast will update when ive played

I can't wait to hear what you think after you've played 🤭 enjoy!


my friend rated it a 10/10 i also agree


big thanks to you and your friend <3

(1 edit) (+1)

I got his game on patreon and i must say


The creator was sooo friendly and patient with me :) also this was just because i missed it by a few days BUT there seems to be a new game at the end of the Month soooo it would be a good idea to follow them nonetheless xD

Also the Game is top i would give it 5 stars

Nooo darling, you're not dumb, hahaha thanks to your feedback, I realized that the instructions weren't clear and I was able to make the descriptions better. I'm happy we could figure out a solution together. And thank you for coming here to leave this sweet comment <3 So wholesome of you. Thank you!


I LITERALLY CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS? I PLAYED THRU IT 5 TIMES? You heard me out in the universe as soon as this cowboy dropped in HSR, THANK YOU. It's phenomenal. Tbh you've inspired me to make my own little bite-sized stories for my OCs (namely a half-orc ranger my friends are dying to see in some kinda nsfw way). Thank you for this treat, good lord.


I kid you not, the first time I saw Boothill, everything changed. Couldn't think of anything else but those hip movements, Jojo poses, and pointy grin, and—well, I had to do something. And this happened! Hahaha. I'm so happy a fellow Boothill enjoyer loves the game so much, it means a lot! Also, hearing that I’ve inspired you to create your own stories for your OCs is the best compliment. Your half-orc ranger sounds amazing. Thanks for playing!

God, you're so me! Even before his trailer dropped, just seeing snippets of him and hearing his EN voice samples sent me over the moon (his slutty little waist! brother!!!) You've literally created one of my favorite fan pieces of Boothill ever, so thank you again (and your art style?? i want to eat your art, it's gorgeous). And you really have! I've been on the fence about it for so long and Ren'Py has been a little intimidating with coding but I really want to give it a shot. Hopefully you & the rest of might see something for my half-orc guy soon, haha. Thanks so much for saying that! You've got a new patron/tumblr follower out of me, I really look forward to your future projects!! >:)) (the Gojo/mentor one you're working on is gonna kill me in the best of ways)

Thank you for reading my ramble haha i just wanted to get my feelings out there

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the smut gods appreciate your comment! 😌🙏

so is the browser version considered sfw or nsfw? 

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Oh my, I just realized it's not actually sfw hahahah I guess I was running on autopilot when I categorized the downloads. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

i was gonna say lmaoo like what is this nsfw version... is the browser version a demo or full game? because it seemed to end pretty fast


The browser version is the full story minus two extra smut scenes, which are included in the nsfw version. Maybe that's why it seems short? But also, my games are meant to be like fanfic one-shots, so I try to keep them concise on purpose haha

that makes sense, i was thinking some scenes were missing.


This is fucking amazing bro, I was brushing so fucking hard


hehe glad to hear it! thanks for playing!


even as a trans guy and most definitely not a fan of playing games w/ fem protags, i enjoyed this game (also despite the fact i have NEVER played honkai in my life). i wasn't sure if i'd continue playing when i saw the first 'ma'am' but i'm grateful i did


Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m really glad to hear that you enjoyed the game, even though it’s not your usual cup of tea. It means a lot that you gave it a chance and found it worthwhile

Blushing Bang - Emoji Drawing


Oh I love this so so much, thank you so much author to bless the boothill community with this T0T

Ok I did the "sfw" run, well, most of it, stoped when mc is trying to distance herself from boothill. I want to finish the game when i get the paid version.

I will get it as soon as I finish my last exams, as a little treat to myself ;)

ALSO i spent at least 7 minutes looking at the image of boothill laying with his hair sprawled out, it was so good


It was my pleasure making this, our boy deserves it! I wish you the best of luck with your exams. Boothill will be there for you afterwards ♡

and thank you! when I finished drawing that I was like damn HAHAH


Well I'll damned...You, dear creator, are a talented one for sure! The setting, characters AND the story. I like how MC is well written, along with side characters like her mentor and even the friendly gossiping pipsqueak x) 

Worth every dollar and I'll be one of many who are waiting for your future games! ^^ 

Thank you! I'm super happy you enjoyed it! I'll keep working to improve and make future games even better :)

(3 edits)

Was so surprised finding this game got out just 4 hours ago lol

Sadly though it's not working for me at all. When I launch it it stays on a white screen x...x Tried both windows safe and nsfw versions, direct download and on itchio app. Launched as admin too and welp, that's my luck I guess, bugs always find me =D or I find them...

And yes, I saw the note in the email after purchase. Closing the game and opening it didn't work...tried for 20 times maybe ^^'


Ok, weird as heck, but after don't know how many attempts of opening it - it finally worked xD now to see this beauty of creation x)

I'm so glad it worked! I still haven't figured out how to stop this from happening, but I'm trying my best orz

Sometimes u gotta restart the computer

A bit excessive, but I get it. Still glad it works now at least  


WOAH I think I just experience something that set my standards a bit higher--



your standards for games or men? HAHA either way, valid. and appreciated.

And yes, Boothill can be quite the good boy <3 I can't see him in any other way


Both <3 , but also I just like submissive men in general so-- HAHSYGDAGFDAYIFSYISDF

will this be available for mac?

Yes! Both the sfw and nsfw versions are available for mac. I tested the mac version thoroughly, but I recommend downloading the sfw version first to ensure it runs smoothly on your mac before purchasing the nsfw version.





DAMN i have NEVER LEFT A COMMENT HERE BEFORE BUT you slapped so hard oiuytrekjytr thank you

the fact that you created an account just to comment this is the best thing ever HAHAHAH I hope you enjoy the full game too!


im gonna stop being a weird little shit.

BOOTHILL SMUT!! I live for that. Im playing this game either way.

It's okay! Your question was totally valid. I couldn't add different pronouns to this game due to time constraints, but that could be a possibility for future games. Thank you for playing anyway!

BOOTHILL SMUT!!! I'm glad you're excited! Your support means a lot. Enjoy the game!


"oh hey that guy looks kinda familiar... he kinda looks like-"

(1 edit) (+7)

Just want to say how well done this game is! 

As someone who has never played HSR, I now love Boothill as a character lol I really enjoyed the style of the game. The illustrations are beautifully done, music fits well and the characters are lovable (including the MC, who isn't portrayed a some naive airhead but instead relatable, a bit flawed and respected in their field). Even the integration at the end on the pirate ship, where the creator inserts themself and cleverly links their Pateron and socials was a very charming touch! I can't wait to play the full game when it's released and will continue to follow this creator in the future to play whatever else they make!

Also, while i understand the comments asking for male mc or to be able to choose pronouns, I really appreciate having an mc that is a female. It's so hard to find well made smut games that are inclusive to women, as most are marketed toward men. As a woman, it's nice being able to self-insert into a smutty game! lol So just wanted to say thanks for that!

P.S. also hoping we actually get to choose different "attachments" in the full game.... looking at the Titan <.<

Thank you, froggyfeesh! (love the username btw) I'm honored you think so highly of the game even though you don't play HSR. It's nice to know that the story still works without context from the source. And I'm sure one day I'll make a game with a character you know hahah!

"It's so hard to find well made smut games that are inclusive to women" You're so right. That's exactly my reason for starting this gamedev journey. I'd love to be more inclusive in the future, but first I have a mission to make as many games with a female protagonist as I can.

Me when I searched for smut games for women and found a barren desert:

P.S.: yes, you can definitely choose from the 3 prosthetics in the full game! have fun :D


Obsessed! It's so good! Can't wait to see how it the story will be in the future!

And Boothill is perfectly portrayed in my opinion!

Thank you! I was afraid of not making him "cowboy" enough but I'm glad it turned out great hahah I hope you enjoy the full game!





juuust a question- no need to respond, but will the mc have the option to choose weather theyre a male or female? i love the game regardless of the answer tho


Thank you for your question! My mission is to create smut games that feature a female body in evidence because there are so few games like that compared to the many focused on male bodies. While the MC in this game will remain female, I appreciate your support and understanding. I’m thrilled you love the game anyway, thank you!


Will the game remain free?

Yes! The game is free, only the nsfw addition is paid.


It was overall amazing😍can't wait for the release


thank you! the full game will be ready by the end of the month 🤗

Can't wait😋

this I likely a bug, but the browser version isn’t working and is giving an error message. I’d love to play this! It’s just, like said, there’s a small bug within the browser version  

sorry about that!! can you tell me what the error says? if you can include an screenshot that'd be even better :)

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Here’s a screenshot of the error

Sorry for the late reply! Can you try the full game now and see if you still have this issue? Also are you on Windows or Mac?

I don’t have either, and use a Chromebook. Apologies for being late as I use the browser version and it just shown up. I’m not sure if this is happening with others using it or just me, lol. Also, I was wondering if you’ll ever make a version for Linux or will it just be windows and mac?


I tried to look into this, and based on the error message, it seems like there might be an issue with the browser permissions to run the game. Could you please try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page? If that doesn't work, try using a different browser or disabling any ad-blockers or extensions that might be interfering. Let me know if it works.

Regarding your question about a Linux version, the version of RPGMaker I use doesn't show a deployment option for Linux, so I'm not sure if that's possible at the moment. Sorry about that!


The droid is so cute- But anyway besides the point, the animation you have for Boothil and art is so good. The, "I'll be a good boy." Jump scared me. And his reactions are so cute during the test and recording his data bit and how quickly it escalates. You can tell after how disappointed he is that the rest has to wait for the next day. The fact is he still says Fudge is a fun detail. And in the writing you can imagine certain moments and how reluctant the player is to let anything further happen.


thank you! and sorry for the jumpscare hahahah I love sub men, I can't help myself. This is just the start for the Doc. She'll have a... rough time in the next chapters, poor thing hahah

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You're fine, I love sub men too so I'm not complaining. Just surprised me so early on is all. I wish Doc luck on the whole "don't fall for Boothil" thing (she's 100% going to probably fail on it)

Cora might or might not have given Boothill a hint on how to talk to the Doc beforehand 🤭

I followed you on Insta today by the way- because of the writing stuff and all, if you're cool to talk of course 

Sorry for the late reply! Now that I can finally breathe I'll take a look soon haha

You're fine, you have a lot to do and everything with the game. Plus have stuff you have outside of it. Also, my insta account looks dead as hell I know- I can message you if you need btw if you don't find it

I messaged you on insta btw

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